Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Visitor Management System

SoloVMS provides secure, speedy and optimized end-to-end IT solutions for a wide range of services.
With Visitor Management System, visitors all relevant information is captured in a secure 
database file, including visitor's photo, signature, the name of the person visited,
the reason for the visit, the entry and exit times. This whole process gets completed in fifteen to 
twenty seconds & thus the visitor is professionally checked in and a high quality visitor badge is 
printed through system. As computer processing power, digital video and information gathering 
technology have improved, electronic visitor management system have added photo ID 
capability, database searching, automatic door access and other functions. At the same time 
it also improves upon most of the negative points of a pen and paper system.

To know more about. Please click here visitor management system

Security has become a matter of paramount concern every modern organization today. 
Visitor Management System is one of the very important aspect of security management. 
Though it appears to be a very straight forward operation, getting uniformity in all the policies
 at an enterprise level is a complex job. 


  1. what is kiosk can any one explain for me???

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How can this kiosk scanned the human face?
